About Donella Press

Donella Press publishes works by independent authors, focusing on memoir, literary nonfiction, and fiction, using a publishing model that combines the advantages of traditional publishing with the independence of self-publishing.

Donella Press’s Mission and Philosophy

Our Mission

Donella Press publishes works by independent authors, focusing on memoir, literary nonfiction, and fiction, using a publishing model that combines the advantages of traditional publishing with the independence of self-publishing.  We provide a range of editorial, production, marketing, and distribution services to authors who are looking for something between the traditional publishing model and the self-publishing model.

Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing

A traditional publisher covers the costs of producing, distributing, and marketing their books, with the author receiving royalties that may range from 8 to 20 percent of net sales. The major advantage is that the author doesn’t pay up-front costs, and benefits from the press’s expertise and from being associated with the press’s brand and other publications. The down-side is that because the publisher depends on book sales to recover its up-front expenses, they may be reluctant to take on a book from a first-time author or with a narrow audience, and may decide to cease distribution of a book that is not profitable.

In the self-publishing model, the author is their own brand. The author controls all aspects of the publishing process, but is also responsible for doing all of the work. When the author sets up their own book for distribution through online distributors, the author retains 100 percent of the profits, but the author is responsible for handling any distribution problems on their own. And some marketing and sales venues are not open to self-published authors.

A self-publishing author who hires professional help has many options, ranging from individuals or organizations who provide certain services and then have no further involvement to presses that will publish under their imprint with the author covering all costs.  Many organizations provide a set package of services, but some authors find that the package doesn’t match their needs, or costs more than it would for the individual services they want.

Donella’s Publishing Model

At Donella, we price the different services separately, and give you the option of having us handle editorial and production work and provide you with files so you can distribute and market on your own, or of publishing under the Donella Press imprint, with the author covering the costs of producing the book and paying Donella a small percentage of net sales to cover managing distribution and marketing.

We will review manuscripts to determine which will fit into our publishing program, but we will only turn down a manuscript if it would violate content rules of online distributors or is unsuitable or not ready for publication.

Donella’s Publishing Services

Editorial Services


After all the time an author spends with their work, they know exactly what they are saying. This means that the author often misses things.  When you know exactly what the text is saying, your eye can easily miss errors in spelling, grammar, or usage, and may fail to catch a passage that may be unclear to the reader or that contains a factual error or internal inconsistency.  Working with a professional copyeditor ensures that embarrassing mistakes are caught—and fixed—before your book goes to print.

Basic copyediting includes checking spelling (including capitalization, hyphenation, and abbreviations), punctuation (including correctness and stylistic consistency), and grammar (including syntax, usage, and stylistic consistency).  This level of copyediting is appropriate for experienced authors.

Most manuscripts require a little more attention.  Line editing includes the tasks of basic copyediting, plus basic fact checking, revising unclear or confusing passages, smoothing out transitions, and ensuring consistency in writing style.  This level of copyediting is appropriate for most manuscripts.

Substantive editing is appropriate for authors who, in addition to line editing, need assistance with the organization and presentation of their material. Your editor will work with you to preserve your unique voice while presenting your material in the most effective and engaging manner.  This level of copyediting is appropriate for first-time authors or those for whom English is not the first language.

With all levels of editing, your editor will provide you with files of your edited manuscript for your review, then incorporate any additional edits before finalizing the files before layout.  After the manuscript has been laid out, your editor will proofread again and provide you with a file to review, then enter any final edits into the laid-out manuscript. Your editor can also work with you on selecting and acquiring appropriate images to include in your book.

Design and Production Services

Cover Design

Using cover art provided by the author or author suggestions on non-image design elements, your production editor will create a cover and submit it to the author for comment.  After the author has approved the final cover design, your production editor will create the back cover and spine, as well as the inside title page for the book.

Interior Design and Layout

Donella will determine an appropriate format and size for the book, and your production editor will create an interior design appropriate to the work, including chapter heads, subheads, running page headers, ornaments, and other design elements as needed.


Many books are improved by including photographs or other images.  Your editor at Donella will work with you to select appropriate images, but the author is responsible for acquiring either images to be scanned or digital files in an appropriate size and resolution.  Images files should be at least 300 dpi at the desired size, and should be provided as tiff or jpeg files.  While your editor at Donella can advise you on when permission is required for use of an image, the author is responsible for getting permission and paying any permission or licensing fees.

File Preparation

After the manuscript has been laid out, your editor will review the layout with the you and make any adjusts as needed. After both Donella and the author have done a final review and proofreading of the proofs, your production editor will prepare files in the appropriate specifications for print and ebook editions.

LCCN, ISBN, and Bar Codes

Your editor at Donella will submit information on your book to the Library of Congress and acquire a Library of Congress Catalog Number (LCCN).  For authors publishing under the Donella Press imprint, we will provide an ISBN for each edition at a significant discount over standard prices through Bowker.  For both the LCCN and the ISBN, we will submit the book metadata that makes it easier for libraries, bookstores, and wholesalers to learn about your book.

Copyright Registration

Once you have created a work in fixed form, your work is copyrighted.  It is customary to include a statement of copyright on your material, but registering your copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office is not required.  However, registering copyright makes it easier for you to assert copyright and may provide additional protection in any legal action for copyright infringement.

Each book will contain a notice of copyright in the name of the author.  If you also want to register copyright of the book, your editor at Donella will submit all of the information required to register copyright, pay the fee, mail the required copies of the printed book with the submission form, and receive the Certificate of Copyright Registration.  Donella will retain a file copy of the certificate and mail the original to the author, unless otherwise directed.  The author will provide the copies of the book and pay a flat rate that covers the registration fee, mailing costs, and staff time.

Marketing and Distribution Services

Back Cover Text

Your editor at Donella will write a description of the book to be used on the back cover, as well as in the publicity sheet and other marketing materials.  We will also develop an author biography based on information you provide.

Marketing Plan and Marketing Materials

If you choose to have Donella prepare your book for publication, but then publish and distribute the book on your own, you may still work with Donella on marketing and promoting your book.  If your book is being published and distributed under the Donella Press imprint, you will work with us to create and implement a marketing campaign.  In either situation, your editor at Donella will develop a marketing plan specific to the needs of your book, which may include soliciting blurbs for the back cover, creating a publicity sheet, writing press releases, selecting places to send the book for possible review, creating a web page for the book, creating a social media plan, and working to arrange interviews, articles, book signings, and presentations.  For authors publishing under the Donella Press imprint, a web page will be provided on the Donella Press website, and Donella staff will keep both the book web page up to date with reviews and information on author events.

A successful marketing plan depends on close collaboration between Donella and the author, and your active participation in promoting your book, especially in arranging author events and working with personal and local contacts.  Before your editor at Donella begins work on your marketing plan, we will discuss options with you and estimate the hours required, and will create a plan that fits with your budget.


For authors whose books are being published under the Donella Press imprint, distribution services will be provided in exchange for a small percentage of net sales.  Donella Press distributes books in POD print and ebook editions through standard online distributors.

Distribution services will include setting up books for POD printing and ebook distribution through the vendors named above, monitoring and updating the vendor’s listing for the book, receiving and processing monthly sales reports from vendors, and handling any issues that arise with the vendor.

Your editor at Donella will provide you with quarterly reports on sales and royalties earned, and each quarter will issue a single check combining royalty payments from all vendors.  Donella will also keep you posted on any changes in vendor policies or rates and any special deals or opportunities available to promote your book.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Is Donella Press the Right Choice for You?

If you are interested in publishing with Donella Press, please email us at barbara@donellapress.com.  Please include a short description of your manuscript, and respond to the following questions.

  • what is your word count?
  • do you want to include images?  if so, about how many?  please provide a brief description of the images (e.g., family photos, historic images, etc.)
  • have you ever published a book before?
  • what is your goal in publishing this manuscript?