Troubled State: Civil War Journals of Franklin Archibald Dick

Troubled State

Civil War Journals of Franklin Archibald Dick

by Gari Carter

6 x 9 inches; 312 pages; 10 B&W images
bibliography; index

American history/Civil War

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7342601-4-4
Price: $19.95

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-7342601-5-1
Price: $9.99

About the Book

In his private journals, Franklin Archibald Dick, a St. Louis attorney, Union officer, and provost marshal general, wrote of his concerns about keeping Missouri pro-Union during the turbulent Civil War years. His firsthand perspective of important historical events include the early Camp Jackson incident when he was Captain Nathaniel Lyon’s assistant adjutant general, and when he served as Missouri’s provost marshal general under Major General Samuel Curtis. Dick was troubled by the slow progress and terrible cost of the war. For him, the divided city of St. Louis was heartbreaking, and his journal entries changed from early optimism to later doubts about his future due to the war and his loyalty to the Union. After the war, Franklin Dick practiced law with Montgomery Blair, President Lincoln’s postmaster general.

Genre: American history
Tag: featured_books
Publisher: Donella Press
Publication Year: 2020
Format: paperback
Length: 312 pgs.
ISBN: 9781734260144
List Price: 19.95
eBook Price: 9.99
A benefit to scholars and buffs alike, the journals of Franklin Dick offers readers a different perspective on the Civil War from the contested and bloody battleground that was Missouri. The diaries provide valuable insights on how Unionists reacted to the shifting fortunes of war in Missouri and in St. Louis in particular, and how the life of a St. Louis attorney-turned-provost-marshal changed for all time. The annotations are helpful without being obtrusive, allowing Dick’s personality to come through.
– David Goldfield, University of North Carolina-Charlotte